A Golden Ghoul Award for ‘What the Daemon Said’

What the Daemon Said, my collection of essays, introductions, and interviews on horror fiction, film, and philosophy, has received a Golden Ghoul Award from the Serbian horror blog Cult of Ghoul, as seen in the trophy image added to he book’s cover above.

The blog is run by Dejan Ognjanović, who writes about horror for, among other venues, Rue Morgue magazine. He wrote a feature on What the Daemon Said for the magazine’s November/December 2022 issue. Previously, he interviewed me for the magazine in connection with the publication of my horror literature encyclopedia.

Dejan is extremely knowledgeable about current goings-on in the horror world, so it’s an honor for my book to be recognized at his blog.

Coming in 2024: Spanish translation of ‘What the Daemon Said’

  • Post category:Book News
  • Reading time:2 mins read

I recently signed a contract with Dilatando Mentes Editorial, the Spanish publisher of beautifully designed and illustrated books of weird and cosmic horror fiction, for a Spanish translation of What the Daemon Said. In 2021 they published a translation of my To Rouse Leviathan under the title Hizo de las tinieblas su escondite (“He Made Darkness His Hiding Place”), which proved to be a stunningly gorgeous piece of work. I look forward to seeing what they’ll do with Daemon.

Here’s their social media announcement:

Translation: “It makes us very happy to inform you that @_MattCardin will once again be part of Dilatando Mentes Editorial. Next year we will publish his essay collection ‘What the Daemon Said: Essays on Horror Fiction, Film, and Philosophy,’ a work that we consider essential.”